Madeline At The White House|Book Review|

As a young woman who was once an asthmatic short child Madeline was a major inspiration for me growing up. I rewatched the 1998 movie religiously. I was surprised to see new Madeline adventures being written and I wish that more would continue to be created.

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In this one, Madeline, Ms. Clavel, and the eleven other little girls are invited to the White House by the First Lady. (She is friends with Ms. Clavel!) The president is the fictional Bombay- he does not appear in the book. Madeline and the girls befriend his daughter Randel Candle. And in true Madeline fashion a rabbit named Magician (New Character!) helps make the visit of fun last a little bit longer.

The art was just as rememberable as any other Madeline book. My favorite page was when Ms. Clavel and a secret service agent break down the door. Randel Candle seems like a new and creative addition to the Madeline universe.

I love how this small book shows that children can be lonely even if there are tons of people around them all the time. And I am glad that Madeline is still getting to go on new adventures. Thank You Edelweiss Plus for providing me with this free review copy.

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